What We Believe
….that Christians are responsible to do good to all people, regardless of their religion, race or economic situation.
….that many needs of hurting families and individuals can be met through connecting families with needs to people who care.
….that relief funds and financial assistance should be personally delivered to those in need, thus demonstrating personal concern and transparent accountability.
…that the privacy of all recipients of financial assistance should be respected, thus we will not publish or mention actual names, but only share situations of need when permission of the person requesting assistance has been given.
….that inter-faith cooperation in the distribution of assistance fosters mutual understanding, minimizes cultural offense and nurtures a peaceful co-existence of religious believers of other faiths.
….that when those in need ask why we want to help them, it is appropriate to share that we are motivated by the love of Christ.
….that individuals and their gifts-no matter how large or small- make a life-changing impact in the lives of the recipients.