Missionary Partners

Asia Mission Partners

Society of Anglican Missionaries & Servants
Asia Mission Partners is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit Christian organization registered in the United States. Any gifts made out to Asia Mission Partners and designated "Connected Families" are tax-deductible in the US and will be released to Rev. Dr. Timothy Conkling and the Connecting Families Team for distribution to those in need in Indonesia and Thailand. 100% of the desgnated funds for Connecting Families under Asia Mission Partners will reach the intended recipient. Occasionally, Asia Mission Partners needs to channel gifts to Indonesian refugees through Rev. James Long and SAMS- the Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders samsusa.org When this is done, SAMS deducts 5% for administration as well as the wiring expense of the international transfer.
SAMS’ purpose is to recruit, send and support missionaries to be witnesses and make disciples for Jesus Christ in fellowship with the Anglican Church around the world. SAMS’ missionaries share the Gospel, establish churches, train national church leaders, and minister socially through medical clinics and Christian schools. We believe in the authority of Scripture, the lordship of Jesus Christ and the necessity of bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world, thus making disciples within the context of the Anglican tradition. In Jakarta and Bali, SAMS missionaries Rev. James Long and his wife, Nanci, seek to minister directly to refugees, by supplying food, rent and medical needs expenses in partnership with Connecting Families. SAMS is registered in the US as a 501(3)(c) tax exempt non-profit organization. All gifts to SAMS are tax deductible for US tax purposes.
Contact www.samsusa.org
Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders
P.O. Box 399 Ambridge, PA 15003 USA
Phone: 724-266-0669 Fax: 724-266-5681