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Lifeline for Pregnant Mothers

Sometimes pregnancies come at inopportune times.  Rather than abort the babies when this happens, Connecting Families has been providing a lifeline for mothers with babies. 


Since last year Connecting Families has paid all the delivery and medical expenses for two mothers and has been there for two more unwed mothers who chose to get married and want to carry their babies to term.  


Connecting Families is a Special Project fund under Asia Mission Partners/Mission Sending Service. Asia Mission Partners/Mission Sending Service is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit Christian organization registered in the United States.  Any gifts made out to Asia Mission Partners/Mission Sending Service and designated "Connected Families" are tax-deductible in the US and will be released to Rev. Dr. Timothy Conkling and the Connecting Families Team for distribution to those in need in Indonesia and Thailand.  100% of the designated funds for Connecting Families under Asia Mission Partners/Mission Sending Service will reach the intended recipient. 

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