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2 Families: 2 Tents Needed

2 Families: 2 Tents Needed

Donate to provide 2 temporary houses for 2 families. Mr. Ohen and Mr. Kasmin and their 2 families. Address : Kuta kulon RT 01/03

Donation Information Form

Help us make a difference

Connecting Families is a Special Project fund under Asia Mission Partners/Mission Sending Service. Asia Mission Partners/Mission Sending Service is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit Christian organization registered in the United States.  Any gifts made out to Asia Mission Partners/Mission Sending Service and designated "Connected Families" are tax-deductible in the US and will be released to Rev. Dr. Timothy Conkling and the Connecting Families Team for distribution to those in need in Indonesia and Thailand.  100% of the designated funds for Connecting Families under Asia Mission Partners/Mission Sending Service will reach the intended recipient. 

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