Disaster Relief
In September of 2013 an electrical fire burned down the slums of North Jakarta, leading to the birth of Connecting Families. Overnight, all 5,155 residents of the slums lost their housing. Connecting Families that year was able to feed all families for three days, as well as providing them with clothes and basic supplies.
Currently during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Connecting Families is providing disaster relief to those who have lost jobs and family members because of the pandemic.
Jakarta Floods
Several months later in January of 2014 floods struck Jakarta. Connecting Families housed twenty four flood victims and paid for the repair of dozens of motorcycles which many rely on as their only mode of transportation to find work.

Relief Funds
When yearly floods displace Jakarta's poorer residents, just $20 US dollars per day can provide housing. An entire family can be fed with just $5 US dollars per day.
With $3000 US dollars per month Connecting Families could house and feed all of the several hundred refugees who are on the streets of Jakarta.
$6000 US dollars per month could feed the seventy-five horse owners and two hundred and twenty-five horses of Gili Trawangan. Sign up to donate today and change someone’s life.