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Cianjur Indonesia Earthquake Relief Updates

On November 21, 2022, an earthquake measuring 5.6 struck the county of Cianjur in Java, Indonesia. Because the epicenter of the quake was right under the city, the property damage was extensive. 404 people lost their lives in the quake and more than 1000 were injured. 20,000 houses were completely destroyed or rendered uninhabitable. Working with a local governmental leader, Connecting Families was able to provide immediate food, medicine, and clothing relief supplies. From mid-Deember 2022 until the present, Connecting Families is providing temporary tent housing for displaced families. Each tent house cost 200 USD and provides shelter until houses can start to be rebuilt in mid-2023, with the help of Indonesian government funding. Until then, families have looked solely to Connecting Families for help with their interim housing.

Present Needs

Connecting Families has already provided 61 temporary tent houses for families affected by the quake. 

We are being asked to provide an additional 10 tent houses at a cost of 200 USD each which covers materials and labor.

Photos of Families We Have Helped
Earthquake Relief Update Videos

Update 1: Praise God, we return to survey the location to build temporary houses and now we have arrived at the 19th point in the 3rd wave for the construction of temporary housing in the Sarampad Kulon area, Sarampad Village. Here we will build a 3x4 meter temporary house over the rubble. We will send the shortage of materials to Mr. Yadi to build a suitable temporary house, thank you.

Update 2: We are at the 20th point, we will build a 3x4 meter temporary house and we will fulfill the needs such as tends, nails, wire, and others because bamboo is available. This temporary house is urgently needed because the occupants are an elderly couple. The current conditions are unfit for stay and we will build a more suitable one, Thank you.

Update 3: Praise God, we are surveying the next location to point 22 for the construction of temporary housing in Sarongge Kidul Village, Ciputri Village. as we know today the building that was once a rabbit hutch was converted into a place to live. we will help with materials to make rooms to separate the rabbit cage and beds, Thank you.

Update 4: Praise God, we surveyed the next area at the 23rd point in Sukawarna1 village, Sarampad village. here we will build a temporary house measuring 3x4 meters. as we can see the current conditions are not fit for life in and the tent house is already leaking and we will help to repair it so it is fit for live in, thank you.

Update 5: Praise God, we are already in the Sarampad village area. Beside me, there is a temporary house that has been damaged and leaking belonging to Mr. Reno. We will help provide materials and repair it so that it is suitable for living in, Thank you.

Update 6: Video Translation in progress.

Connecting Families is a Special Project fund under Asia Mission Partners/Mission Sending Service. Asia Mission Partners/Mission Sending Service is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit Christian organization registered in the United States.  Any gifts made out to Asia Mission Partners/Mission Sending Service and designated "Connected Families" are tax-deductible in the US and will be released to Rev. Dr. Timothy Conkling and the Connecting Families Team for distribution to those in need in Indonesia and Thailand.  100% of the designated funds for Connecting Families under Asia Mission Partners/Mission Sending Service will reach the intended recipient. 

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